We offer color correction / color grading services for films, TV, documentaries, music videos, and more.
Using the latest technologies, Roush Media allows filmmakers to bring their most creative visions to life by applying a limitless number of layers to their color correction. For all sectors of the market, ROUSH Media’s digital intermediate (DI) file-based workflows (RED .R3Ds, Arri RAW, XDCAM HD, and more), along with Digital Vision’s Nucoda 4K Color Grading system, allow for limitless possibilities.
You don’t need to make or bring in a pre-color corrected tape master. Just bring in your hard drive with your final edit from a FCP or Avid project and we can finish and color correct it from your digital files with our non-linear disk-based DI color system. We can then master to any tape format like HDCAM SR, make a QuickTime uncompressed or ProRes file, and encode a Blu-ray or DVD all in one session. Because our color system is non-linear, if an editing change is made during or after your color session, it is possible to make that change without having to redo your color grading.
Give us a call to discuss your project’s workflow, budget, and schedule.
You can afford a very high quality finish / DI color grade. Our Nucoda system in the hands of our Senior Colorist will be able to give you the best value possible. We are faster and better and thus less expensive than you think!