ROUSH Media is joining our friends at Hurlbut Visuals
“This Saturday Dec 3, 3-7pm – Holiday Open House!”
Come see us at our booth to discuss…
Creating Better Pictures with HDR Color Grading & Mastering.
There will also be a raffle with great prizes, including a $2000 DCP from ROUSH Media. You must be present to win your prize!
Lots of Participating Partners with booths setup to showcase their gear, giving you an opportunity to get your hands on the equipment and to try it out.
See you there! 2522 N. Ontario Street Burbank, CA 91504
Sony, Alt Systems & Roush Media show a 4k on set to delivery workflow at this event
Roush Media’s Summer BBQ and Live Sony F55 4K Demonstration: Color From Acquisition to Delivery
You are invited you to our summer BBQ and Live 4K Demonstration: Color From Acquisition to Delivery on August 10, 2013. We invite you to come on over to our facility, meet our team, eat some food, drink some cold beverages and enjoy an extraordinary demo. Roush Media will be demonstrating their impressive Efficient Data and Color Management Workflows from Acquisition to Delivery for producing award winning films today.
Where: Roush Media 84 E. Santa Anita Ave, Burbank, CA 91502
Come see a live test shoot using Sony’s 4K F55 camera. Watch how footage is processed with Roush Media’s impressive On-Set Data /Color management System for sound-synced color-graded dailies, see them processed through a 4K workflow and view the results on a 4K projector.
Roush Media promises a great, relaxing time, where everyone will meet new friends and learn tips and tricks to finishing a quality film on time and on budget. So come on over to Roush Media’s Summer Bar-B-Q where you are sure to have a delightful time, enjoy good summer food while seeing firsthand how Roush Media can take your film from acquisitions to delivery with ease.
We kicked off our first screening for our Independent Film series on August 30, 2012. It was an enjoyable evening as we screened 10,000 Days with many of our clients, new and old. The night was filled with conversation, laughter and cookies!
Foo Fighters: Back and Forth screened September 27th,2012 to a full house and a Q&A with Award winning Director James Moll and Senior Colorist Keith Roush. A good time was had by all. Stay tuned for for next film announcement.